Monday, February 3, 2020

Cabin Fever is real!

It’s that time of year when we are mostly indoors. Sometimes that means rain, other times bitter cold, snow and yes, even intense heat or work schedules can drive us indoors for days on end. Soon that cozy feeling leads to one of cabin fever. You want to get outside for a break but the climate, or workload, won’t cooperate.
“‘Cabin fever’ is a term that represents how a living being – human or otherwise – may begin to feel when isolated or confined indoors,” explains Nicole Guerton, owner of Dynamic Wellness LLC“The term is often used to describe restlessness or subdued mood folks experience when they live in extreme conditions (where it may actually be dangerously cold or hot outdoors).” 
It can occur even when you limit your interpersonal or nature interaction due to illness, caring around-the-clock for a loved one, or working extra hours for weeks or months on a work project. And as busy career professionals you’ve probably experienced cabin fever from time to time working most of the day indoors, especially if natural light is limited.
“People and pets are impacted psychologically by the decreases in natural light, interpersonal social connection, and physical activity,” says Coach Nicole.
“Our brains are powerful and psychological stress impacts not only mental health but also physiology. As a well-being coach, I work with individuals and families (including my own!) to mitigate doldrums by brainstorming ideas to meet physiological needs and personal preferences.”
This begins with paying attention to why you’re feeling isolated and how you can include more natural, social, curative and inspirational approaches into your day.
For the rest of this article, please visit: Reposted courtesy of 

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Plan for Plans to Change

God knows better than me. His plans are greater than mine, AMEN? 🙏

I set my alarm for 615a with plans to volunteer at Wheels and Heels of Fire this morning at National Wheelchair Sports Camp. Why did my alarm go off at 730am? 🤔 

The mug that I pick up for coffee during my quiet devotion time is the mug Bob 'Bart' Bardwell gave to me when I first visited camp and decided I wanted to volunteer for wheelchair camp. 

Wishing all of the participants and volunteers and staff well today. (Thanks for the teaching, mentorship, and encouragement, Dr. Sood.) I do not know what happened other than it didn't go as planned. My finite, human brain guesses God knew I would have an "inpatient" to take care of at home today after a 8-hour emergency department day yesterday. And perhaps I needed the rest, too. 

Here I am, practicing vulnerability, practicing not feeling guilty or resentful or fearful about plan changes that were/are beyond my understanding.  And the devotion today is about taking a break from planning...!!!!!!!!!

Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence
by Sarah Young  |  June 10 
Image result for romans 8:28

And then I have trouble figuring out the formating of the text and images on the blog and could spend several more minutes / half hours editing, cropping, rearranging...or I could #presspublish and move on with my day.

#ironwoodspringschristianranch #nationalwheelchairsportscamp #vulnerability 
#resiliency #Plantohaveplanschanges #planforplanstochange #Hisplansaregreater

Friday, June 9, 2017

What were you FEELING?

More spewings from my spaghetti brain.  

You're welcome. 

Special thanks to @DesAhrens and her IG post regarding feelings which prompted me to not only respond to her post but also write this one. 

Whether someone can 'make you feel' a certain way: truthfully, I surmise Des and I are similar in our core belief that no one can 'make' (as in FORCE) anyone else to feel something.  

Why the need for a blog blab about this?  Well, because lately, thoughts-feelings-beliefs-actions have been surfacing in nearly ALL aspects of my life, and when that happens, its #timetopayattention.

Dr. Sood introduced me to a deeper concept of how our values impact our actions during the final session of TRANSFORM training.  Don't worry, friends and coaching clients: I had this concept understood at a fundamental level (i.e. get to the root or core is part of how we coaches, aka CHANGE AGENTS!, assist clients in behavior change).  The depth of concept was reintroduced at a time when I seem to be more prepared to comprehend for myself.  And, neato-frito, I've started to introduce though coaching and education. Yeehaw!

Here's what I am leaning toward: Our feelings are a byproduct of our thoughts (based on experiences) and core beliefs. Our experiences and sometimes our values are shaped without our conscious input...therefore, our feelings are not always "controllable", yet our behaviors or actions are managable. Thoughts?

(experiences) Core Beliefs/Values -> (experiences) Thoughts -> Feelings -> Decisions -> Actions -> Outcomes [consequences, results] 

More to come. And hopefully with some cool visuals.  Because, lets be honest, visuals help. 

Until then, #presspublish.

#feelings #changeagents #behaviorchange #takeresponsibility #advocacy

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